Kum Nye Meditation, Level Two, Self-study Video Program - Session 1 FREE

Kum Nye Meditation, Level Two, Self-study Video Program - Session 1 FREE

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In Kum Nye we start with action, which stimulates the flow of feelings in the body, then sit still and direct the attention inward. By exciting feelings in the body we invite the mind to join the body, and gradually our inner environment comes to life. Simply by becoming aware of our breath and feelings sensations expand and begin to change. 

First step in meditation is to establish calmness. When we focus on the body the mind is less distracted, less gravitated towards thoughts and more inclined to stay with the experience. When connected we became aware of the subtle ongoing communication between body and mind. The mind is nourished by the flow of energy in the body and every experience becomes significant.

When the body and mind integrate there is a new experience of silence. Our sense of time and space changes and we can connect to the void underneath our thoughts, settle in the quiet openness of our inner being.

Stillness is formless and relaxed, it is dynamic awareness. When stillness is our foundation there is a fullness quality to life. Connecting with unformed energy allows our internal design to unfold into what we are to be. We then express our potential by being fully involved in what we do and letting things naturally evolve. Staying in contact with our senses and feelings helps us stay in a meditative state throughout the day. 

Exercise: Kum Nye #47, #40, #58