Meditation is a process of discovering our unity with all that is and embodying life fully. We discover what is important for us, what moves us. Meditation sheds a light on our reality, we become aware of the life we want to lead.
When calming down the activity of mind everything moves to stillness, at the end of the breath, the end of a thought, the end of the day. Staying connected with the undercurrent of stillness makes our activities less chaotic, less rampant. In openness we have more choices.
When we embody stillness we become more spontaneous. With meditation practice our automatic responses cool down, conditioned compulsive behaviors dissipate. In openness old way of being lessen. Gradually we process of integration, and develop more openness, more stillness, more flow, and less inner dialog.
In stillness we can sense space around us, the flavor of the atmosphere in a room. The flow of feelings have different tones. Feelings are very reliable because they have no judgment, only intensity and intimacy. The reality of our nature is openness that keeps taking on new forms all the time, a flow of emotions and thoughts.
Exercise: Kum Nye #41, #20, #47